"I'm a lot more drunk than I think I am."
These insightful words were courtesy of a distinguished young lady outside the garden center where I take my lunch breaks. I wish I could say it was later in the day, but this was a little before noon and and she had just purchased [more] alcohol and was sidewalk drinking with a friend. Thanks to upstanding young people like this woman, along with the booze soaked culture of the many lofty academic institutions that litter the area, the garden center that is my daily treat to myself (Pemberton Farms) will be losing 90% of their real estate to... I'm sure you might be able to guess at this point... alcohol sales. So to all you wonderful speech slurring, vomit covered, barely able to walk students and Cambridge hipsters out there, I'd like to say F#######@K you. Thanks for taking away one of the few pleasures I have during my work day.
Anyway getting back to the plant portion of this rant, while I would like to put all the blame squarely on the drunken populus, the reality is I have to accept some too. As a self-proclaimed plant geek, I should have done my horticultural duty (aka a lot less lunch strolling and bit more actual buying of plants). It is my failure to do so that has contributed to this sad state of affairs. After all, the main reason the plant section is being reduced is they simply aren't selling enough product. My point being when we, as discriminating plant dorks, find businesses we like, we need to make an effort to support them cause as soon as you take them for granted, poof! they're gone.
I've admired way too many great businesses from afar (Seneca Hill Perennials, Shooting Star Nursery, Munchkin Nursery, etc.) only to find they've closed when I finally go to purchase something. Ultimately the people who own and operate these businesses do it cause they love it, but unfortunately love doesn't pay the bills. Do your part to make sure they can keep selling the amazing plants we love and buy some stuff already!!!
I've admired way too many great businesses from afar (Seneca Hill Perennials, Shooting Star Nursery, Munchkin Nursery, etc.) only to find they've closed when I finally go to purchase something. Ultimately the people who own and operate these businesses do it cause they love it, but unfortunately love doesn't pay the bills. Do your part to make sure they can keep selling the amazing plants we love and buy some stuff already!!!
So before my little refuge is reduced to a few tables of sad 6 pack petunias and marigolds I thought I'd take a break from highlighting plants and celebrate a few retail mail order businesses I've come across in the last few years that have really blown me away, whether it be breadth and variety, quality of plant, or just plain old good service. CHECK THESE PLACES OUT!!!!
4.) SPECIALTY PERENNIALS (aka hardyplants.com)